Thursday, May 18, 2006

I went to school for badminton, not work!! And there was no work today at all since only 11 people or something came…

And we thought encik iskandar would give us work, but instead he told me to go get a game called Taboo from his cabinet. I didn’t know that someone actually took the time to make about 300 cards or so for this game, I always thought it was just a verbal game…
But in the end, it got kinda addictive and we spent 2 hours playing until koko…
Everyone got competitive and they started arguing half the time xD

And I got thrashed at badminton today…

I wonder who I can drag to go watch Da Vinci code with me…since certain people have gone and watched it already…


1 comment:

jojolee said...

You can drag me along XD
though I've watched it (nyahahaha)