Sunday, November 01, 2015


Happy Halloween from the happy Hulk, the sleepy mummy & the cheap CGI werewolf!

30 min into chat; Ken asks, "Hey where's Amanda." Where have you gone amandaaa

Thursday, September 17, 2015


So, everyone's busy working, eh?
How fast time flies! It's been 2 1/2 years since I've been here in America and to see what has happened or is happening  to Malaysia right now, is sad. I'm kinda glad none of BERK lives in KL, atm! :)
But I do hope everyone else out there is safe!
Not much has been happening, I recently moved down South & I'm living with family again. My dad & stepmom are going to takeover a Chinese restaurant, hopefully real soon & I'll help out there while going to school, as well. Classes this semester aren't too stressful yet but I'm learning to cook! For finally, I know. Haha. It's a Basic Food Prep class & right now we are learning to practice our cuts/dicing and making stocks. We'll start to make real dishes in the coming weeks, I'm excited for that! Who knows if I may end up finding a new passion?! Haha. Josh & I made some Chicken Cordon Bleu and Asparagus with Egg and Chorizo for dinner last week (with my dad, stepmom & step uncle). They all said it was pretty delicious for our first try! My step uncle is a really good cook, btw!

Not much going on with my life right now apart from school, badminton & watching Netflix! Haha, if any of you need a good laugh, try watching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt! It's hilarious, I promise. 

Anyway, I hope y'all are doing great in life & enjoying the work scene. I miss our adventures together! We need to plan one real soon! and Oovoo too! 


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Back to Scotland!

Hello guys it's been a long time since I last made a blog post (still 300% more productive than Ken/Amanda) but this is definitely a good time to do one.

Last half a year went by so quickly, I had my finals all the way back in March and then it's been more or less happy times since then... until now of course since I have to do actual work!  Basically I'm in a place called Ayr, about an hour away from Glasgow.  I'll be here for my first year of work and then next year I'll be in Glasgow then after that, who knows!  But actually the town itself is a very pleasant place to be.  It's got most of the shops you need (except for KFC) within walking distance and I literally live next to the sea.  Of course this is Scotland and I'm guessing there's only one day a year when people actually go into the water, but still it looks pretty when the sun is out (i was walking along the beach one day, kinda grey and cold outside, when i saw two kids in swimsuits in the water with their parents just watching them wearing sweaters and i'm pretty sure that almost qualifies as child abuse).  Overall seems like a great place to start out (keep in mind it's still technically summer), and the hospital is about 10 minutes drive away.

This is the view from my house (not a particularly sunny day)

So the hospital isn't a very big one, there are 18 junior doctors starting out.  They all seem pretty nice!  Plus since there are so few of us there's a buddy buddy feel to it all.  It's a weird system here, we don't get put in any one department - we just get shuffled around the different wards like the small fry we are so it's still pretty disorientating.

I was looking forward to getting a real ID card, but it's really a piece of laminated paper. No budget.

On the plus side, i'm back in Scotland so I can get FOUR FISH for just £10.  (PS: that's cheap int he UK)

My nights are now filled with completely wholesome activities.  This is Mayu's finished banangrams (hope you've used it at least once by now ELIZABETH).  I tried to tell Mayu that Godzilla wasn't actually a word =/  Also, we tried to decide on a new hobby to take up together and for some reason we've settled on chess.  Look forward to our next rematch Amanda!!  I'll be training hard. pls go easy on me



Tuesday, May 05, 2015

a little update.

ok, it's time for a little update, I suppose. as most of you have seen on Facebook...something changed in my life, haha. but I'm still the same person, don't you worry! :)

Josh & I met slightly over a year ago & have been talking ever since, almost every day except for when I decided not to talk to him. he was still in a relationship when we we started talking, but we were just friends, then. we got pretty close and it took us awhile to realize that things had to change, if we both wanted to be happy. well, mostly me. I did not want to be a third-wheel (eventhough they broke up, I still felt like one) and I was willing to give up everything I had for him, if he still wanted to work things out with his ex. they had their problems together but I could tell that he was torn and undecided, at times. I told him I would always be his friend and I was there for him, especially when he was hurting and trying to find himself. 
it took us almost a year to work things out and finally, he got over his past and told me that he would like a start a present & future with me. trust me, I was as surprised as anyone of you, when he showed me that card. I haven't told anyone much about us because in the past, even though he made me the  happiest girl on Earth, he also made me sad, at times. but I don't blame him for that. it was mainly because of his ex, in the picture. I don't know exactly what the future holds, but I do hope it'll be a great and awesome one. I guess the "just friends" thing didn't work out for us.

there you go. :)

@Yellowcard's concert.


Monday, March 30, 2015


Ken to Yin Lin: 
 I can see your eye bags even through the lousy resolution of your webcam.  I can't tell whether yours or Amanda's is worse..


Friday, January 02, 2015


I just wanted to wish Penny congratulations and leave this here =]  It was a beautiful wedding and it was a blast being in Malaysia again.  I am so sad that two of BERK couldn't make it, but I've made the following picture just for you.  And now that i've done it i've realised how scary floating heads actually are.

 I'm headed back to the UK tomorrow, finals are in 2 months!  Before I came back I kept telling myself that I'd go into full revision mode after I got back from Malaysia, but now I'm totally not feeling it.  I wish there had been more time with everyone and I wish I could have seen E and R too!  I probably won't be back till the next wedding, and I better see you all there!

Happy New Year everyone!  Hope you all have a great year ahead, and see you at our next oovoo sesion =]