Thursday, September 12, 2013

random bits of summer

Hi guys!  As you know, I'm back in the UK, so it's time to get on with our plan for world domination.

While waiting for Amanda to get on with her stories about Thailand and her holiday, and KEN CHONG TO TALK ABOUT HIS LIFE IN GENERAL, enjoy these random things from my holiday!

So  this year was the first time I celebrated ghost festival (semi)-properly at my grandma's house:


Also played my first round of 18 hole golf and got destroyed.  
Making golf carts look dorky since 2013.

 And made the famous trip to Broga Hill.  I WILL LET AMANDA TALK MORE ABOUT SINCE IT WAS HER TRIP!
Official BERK picture =]  You know who the water bottles are haha.

So I got back to London on Sunday, and Mayu was there.  At first I thought I was going to have a nice quiet lunch with here, but she threw me a surprise birthday party and managed to find a few of my friends from London (that she didn't really know).  Very touching.

Just having my orientation week, so it's a pretty soft and easy start.  Won't be doing real work for another 2 weeks or something muahaha.  

So when's the next oovoo session? xD  

Also, where is Ken Chong and Amanda!!


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