weather here been crazy hot and humid (alert elizabeth wong! wear as little as possible lol! pack light :P and settled room issue so there's room for us if you really don't mind squeezing; yay!). but the sky has been really clear so good weather for outdoorsy stuff. and ice creammm!!!
watermelon popsicle while studying indoors on a bright shiny day! yum yum!
but it rained today and typhoon no.3 was hoisted. we were worried our exam might be cancelled. the typhoon is common over the summer. if it's typhoon no.8 we have to stay home and the public transport might not work. classes get cancelled and stuff woohoo. i think it was only recently when typhoon no.10 was hoisted for the first time in more than 10 years. really strong wind, i thought my hall would collapse lol.
sang more than 3 hours of karaoke with phyllis just now. not sure if you guys remember her, but we went to langkawi together about 3 years ago? :P she stayed over at my house for about a month.
hope everyone's well and happy! woot! i can rest for one more day before i start obstetrics and gynaecology on monday. i want a real holiday so friggin' bad. T.T
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