Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Otumoetai is a Maori word meaning 'The standing sleeping (moe) tide (tai) refers to the tide which may be rough outside the entrance but when it comes into the harbour then it's calm'.

Head Students
- for 2006 our head students are Ashleigh Davies, Anna McRae, Aric Thorn and Paul Tietjiens and Board of Trustees student representative Becky McQuoid. These five students lead the Student Executive with the support of Phillipa Perkins, Michael Ralph, Brad Mitchell, Kerry Webb, Annabel Causer, Ben Hart, Nikky Bellamy, Mark Webster, Laura Fisher and Luuka Jones. Collectively this group of 15 Year 13 students lead five committees and Year 9, 10, 11 and 12 Year Level Councils.

ahahahaha xD oh gawddddd......... i wanna go to NEw Zealand!!!


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