bloody hell, i was on the RapidKL..there was this indian guy (student) sitting opposite me.,beside him was a chinese girl, asleep..this fella's hands were crossed and i thought it was kinda weird since he had a bag in front of him..but i didnt care abt it at first..after awhile, i saw his hand trying to touch the girls bum..then i think he saw me looking or something..so i looked away..awhile later, he tried to touch her breast and he did! the girl woke up and instead of changing place or screaming, she jus folded her arms to protect her breast n went back to sleep..how smart? even if she was dead tired, she could at least shove him off or something..she jus continued her beauty sleep..moments later, the bloody perverts hand started touching her again..i really didnt know what to do..shout? oh well, too late..haha i got off at mid valley stop n that pervert got off as well..i didnt turn back and ran all the way to work..hahahaha..what the f*ck! damn effin disgusting..UGH..moral: don't sleep in the bus no matter how tired you may be!
i dont have a pic of it of course..hahaha but here's roughly what it was like :P

green arrow-dumb pervert sitting
blue arrow-victim was sitting
#3 for those of you who know im working, sry i cant get anymore discounts..i already bought a pair of Adidas Original Superstar 2.5 (#665591) with 40% discount..wakakaka..the original price was 279.90, i bought for 167...heheheh..

#4 supposedly someone(who's that?) from BERK (what's that?) is coming back from somewhere(I don't know where) this coming Saturday (when's that?)...ahahahaha i actually saw this someone's grandparents in mid valley today but didnt approach them in case they didnt recognize me..hohoho...
who's that noob? what's he wearing?!
#5 found some interesting photos from genting 06'...hahahha..
CHEE JUNE..alamak! hahaha..
who's this huh??
YENNY HIEW looks happy! =P
noob, what are you trying to do? hahaha..nice shorts :PP STOP LOOKING AT MY FUGLY SHOES! i know they are fugly okay..
when there's funny pics, there's bound to be funnier pics rite? hahahah..
attempt #1 ?
attemp #100? =P
#6 for jia min, don't know if you still remember this, but take a look at what i found..hahaha

#7 oh yaaa, the Big Mac Chant..hahaha how many of you actually tried?? :P
"two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun" in 4 seconds..nyehehehe..
i tried the first time and i got 1 out of 2..hahahah i stuttered for my first try but got thru the second one though :D
the photographer wanted to remain anonymous..but this was his big mac..haha if you're wondering why there's 3 big macs, we had 4 coupons..i wasted one, n the guy in red n white(khairul) got 2 free..so plus 1 of mine = 3 free big macs..i gave mine away..hehe..
that's allllll........kungfu panda, cant wait to watch!! lets go outt!! hahahah CYAA!
ps: italy vs holland at 2.45am, who's watching??